770 Rambler

770 News Chabad News Moshiach News etc.

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Thursday, June 16, 2005

A Picture is Worth More than A Thousand People

770 Blogger is trying to make the case that Tzfatim tried to use the unity raly as propaganda and anyway very few people showed up. This doesn't sound true based on the attendance of similar events I have seen in Crown Heigths and a reader who attended the event comments :
"Anonymous said...
Mr' blogger, your getting biased and WRONG reporting.
I personaly was there on Motzaei Shabbos in O.T., and i was pretty surprised by the big crowd that showed up, i dont know who told you it was empty-they were probably talking about the first 5 minutes of the event, well i'm sure you are aware of the fact that Lubavitch events dont fill up till the end, So sorry for ruining your whole report but first try getting a non-biased reporter and both sides before reporting.Thanks.

7:32 PM "

However the 770Blogger has turned of the comments feature once again probably to allow him to post more lies and propaganda unchallenged at least as long as he gets extra traffic from the deceptive JTA article by Sue Fishkoff story that mentions the blog. After the dust setles and he will probably delete some of the more reasonable and informative comments opposing his views as he has done repeatedly in the past he will probably turn the comments back on to increase reader interest and maintain the illusion of free discussion.
If you have attended the unity Raly mentioned above please post your accounts here. If your comments about Chabad have been deleted from any blog please repost them here and I'll keep them as long as they are polite, intelegent, honest and well intentioned. (see the laws of loshon horah le'toelet )

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Why 770 Rambler?

By the grace of G-d
Shalom uBrocha!
I'm sick and tired of censorship on Chabad blogs and websites. Actual news censorship and comments censorship they all do it.
Why do we have to suffer this nonsense?
Let's have a blog that allows all Chabad news, a blog that allows all comments as long as they are polite honest and constructive.
So here are the ground rules:
1)I'll allow any news related to Chabad to be posted as long as they are accurate and can be verified and there is no obvious malicious intent in posting them.
2)It's permited to discuss the behavior of individual Shluchim on the pages of this blog if the poster has a positive intention to correct an ongoing wrong or otherwise improve the situation. I presume the poster has exhausted other chanels before posting negative post here about a particular shaliach. If I discover the information was false a retraction will be issued and the post will be deleted.
3)The posters accept all legal responsibility for their posts and agree to indemnify me from any resulting claims.
4)You must have a blogger screename to post negative news.
5)As you see the rules above are based on your honor if it happens that this blog is filled with posters and commenters who refuse to abide by these rules I reserve the right to turn off comments or change the rules in other ways to make it easier for me to menage the blog, however I'll do any of the above only with the Rebbe's permission recieved thru Igrot Koidesh
Brocha veHatzlocha!
Ariel Sokolovsky
Moshiach TV Blog
PS. The name 770 Rambler is taken from a well known Chabad blog notorious for censorship. I'm going to mirror those news from the original 770 Rambler where reasonable comments are not allowed or deleted.
Long Live our Master our Teacher and our Rebbe King Moshiach Forever and Ever!